This is the first computer I payed for myself (with the income from my summer job). Even though it was a fairly low-end configuration at this point, it served as primary workstation for a year until it was upgraded to what became chimaera. About six months after the upgrade it was reassembled and eventually turned into a dedicated linux server (router) that was used at LAN parties as a dedicated quake server or network gateway :)
The machine suffered 2 big failures during its lifetime: less than a year after the purchase the CPU was showing signs of problems (software would crash showing a full CPU register dump on the screen) and it was eventually replaced under warranty (coupled with a better cooler). Not too long after the CPU was fixed the Seagate drive suddenly died, taking all my data with it ...
The K5 has been used as testing grounds for several operating systems such as plain old MS-DOS 6.22 + Windows 3.11 / OS/2 Warp 3.0 / Slackware Linux / SuSE Linux / Windows 95 / Windows 98.
Good old days :)